
My open-source side projects and stuff that I built with my colleagues at school


Easy Text Augmenter

Easy Text Augmenter

Augment text data directly on your pandas dataframe using various NLP techniques; augmenting with random word, random character and augmenting with BERT.

Built with:Python,Sdist,PyPI
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Handwriting Classifier

Handwriting Classifier

Train and classify MNIST digit with TensorflowJs and running it on webgl.

Built with:Tensorflow,Js,TfJs
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CariEO, Find your Event Organizer

CariEO, Find your Event Organizer

CariEO is an online platform designed to make it easier for users to search for and find event organizers (EO) that suit their needs.

Built with:PHP,Laravel,Boostrap,Blade
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Pizza Hut, Java program made with Swing, Sql, Jasper

Pizza Hut, Java program made with Swing, Sql, Jasper

The Java program developed using Swing, SQL, and Jasper provides an efficient and user-friendly solution for managing data, generating reports, and enhancing the overall experience of restaurant operations at Pizza Hut.

Built with:Java,MariaDB,Jasper,Java Swing
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Proyek sederhana dalam materi pemrograman beroriantasi object (OOP). Program pemesanan dengan java swing yang sudah terhubung ke database. Riwayat dari pemesanan akan muncul di bawah dalam bentuk tabel.

Built with:Java,Swing,NitriteDB
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Quiz App

Quiz App

The Quiz App, developed using Kotlin for Java programming, provides an interactive platform for users to test their knowledge and skills in the Java programming language.

Built with:Kotlin,Compose,MVC
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Side projects

Recipe Website Template

Recipe Website Template

A simple recipe website template, made using simple html, js and css. The website template features a clean and intuitive design, making it easy for users to navigate and find their desired recipes.

Built with:Html,CSS,Js,Boostrap
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School Profile Website

School Profile Website

This website i made as my project when i did MMD(Mahasiswa Membangun Desa/KKN) 2023. SDN 2 Ampeldento's school profile website is a dynamic online hub that highlights the school's curriculum.

Built with:JS,HTML,Boostrap,CSS,AJAX
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Belajar Asik Tentang Partai Politik Website

Belajar Asik Tentang Partai Politik Website

This website i made as a freelance project for my friend from Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya.

Built with:JS,HTML,Boostrap,CSS
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Cute Birthday Website

Cute Birthday Website

This is a simple website to wishing someone a happy birthday message / cards.

Built with:JS,HTML,Boostrap,CSS
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